
Influencer Marketing

Get connected with MENA’s largest Influencer Marketing ecosystem and let our creator network be your brand’s voice.

Discover the power of Influencer Marketing to engage your target audience. Sign up for Walee today to explore how your business can reap the benefits.

Influencer Marketing

How it works

Businesses post campaign calls on Walee
Businesses post
campaign calls on
Businesses select Influencers and goals
Businesses select
Influencers and goals
Influencers promote product/brand and content to their followers

Influencers promote product/brand and content to their followers

Followers view or engage with content or products
Followers view or
engage with content or
Brands pay
Influencers on

How Walee's Influencer network can help your business

Bring new ideas

Bring new ideas

Change thinking

Change thinking

Drive movements

Drive movements

Create awareness

Create awareness

Share experiences and opinions

Share experiences and opinions

Share a call to action

Share a call to action

Promote demos

Promote demos

Key insights to track and pay on results

Key insights to track and pay on results

Benefits for businesses

Spend smarter

Spend smarter

Ads on Google, Facebook and Instagram may not be as good value as compared with using Influencers.

Get results

Get results

Ad networks are risky as they do not offer any guarantees of success.

Work anytime, anywhere

Work anytime, anywhere

Instantly create and run digital promotional and sales compaigns.

Collaborate effectively

Collaborate effectively

Work with your selected Influencers and run campaigns based on agreed targets.

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Get the best experience

Welcome Influencer

Welcome Influencer

Are you ready to earn conveniently?
Download our app made exclusively for you.


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